About Us

KOSP, short for Knowledge Of Self Project is a group of entrepreneurs, students and part-time employees respectfully, feeling compelled to give back to the community through the concept of intrinsic motivation-targeting the youth as recipients of the content provided by the group. The purpose of the group and project is, to take African history (through past leaders and all noteworthy advancements) and through this knowledge to assist the youth to identify with black culture).

We do this with the aims that in seeing themselves in-light of their glorious past as we did, will instill a sense of pride and achievement and come to the awareness that there is nothing they cannot do; motivating them as a consequence. On this motivation and conviction that they are able, they will be able to build on this momentum and apply it in their daily endeavors as we have seen through us. It changes their view on the world and of themselves and abilities as history works as such: If you don't know what your fathers did, you will not know what you are also capable of. Our job is to somehow make them curious enough or persuade them, by all available means, to get more aware of themselves and where they came from and what they are capable of and to just awaken what is naturally present- this is the mission of KOSP and how it benefits the youth. Through changing mindsets to have a positive view of self and restore confidence, they can undertake all other endeavors (academic, social and economic) successfully, effortlessly and with confidence.

It is unfortunate that so much of the history of Africa has been written by conquerors, foreigners, missionaries and adventurers. We believe history through the conviction of the late Black, African Studies teacher Dr. Henrik Clarke that, History is not everything, but it is a starting point. History is a clock that people use to tell their political and cultural time of day. It is a compass they use to find themselves on the map of human geography. It tells them where they are, but more importantly, what they must be! This the importance of African history and heritage, to be used as a director. This is KOSP.

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